High-pressure washers
There are multiple uses for high-pressure washers: from cleaning of outdoor spaces around the home, including the garden and garage, to cleaning of courtyards and covered walkways, or cleaning of large size industrial floor surfaces and machinery.
For the simplest jobs we recommend Efco cold water high-pressure washers, designed for comfort and practicality. IP 1150 S, IP 1250 S, IP 1400 S, IP 1500 S, IP 1750 S, IP 1900 S, IP 2500 HS and IPX 2000 S models feature a generous standard equipment package in terms of accessories, making these units extremely versatile.

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Hot water high-pressure washers IP 2500 HS and IP 3000 HS models are the ideal solution for more intensive and regular cleaning activities. These models uses the maximum detergent power of hot water thanks to the vertical water heater with double spiral coil for rapid water heating. And the equipment is completed with internal components in stainless steel and brass, and sturdy piston pumps (also with control valves and pressure gauge).