Power Generators
The power generators are equipped with an internal combustion engine that works in conjunction with an electric generator to produce both direct (DC) and alternating current (AC) power in a totally independent way. These units are effective solutions when faced with emergency situations, breakdowns or blackouts, providing a power source in isolated places where mains power is unavailable. In addition to being used for essential needs, these tools are highly versatile and can be used for commercial events, leisure activities or to power electric gardening implements (e.g. lawnmowers, chainsaws and pressure washers).

Power generators up to 6 kWPGE 80E-3 DCS
- Engine make/model K 1250 HG OHV
- Displacement 420 cm³
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There are two categories: you can opt for open frame generators, with power ratings up to 6 kW, or silent inverter generators, which have an enclosed and soundproofed engine. This latter option is particularly suited to public spaces, outdoor activities and places in close proximity to people, as well as camping and boating.